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Karaokeland Finland

Foreigners in Finland

Making new acquaintances in Finland is difficult, especially when you are an adult. Most Finns are introverts and like to stick with familiar people and circles. Without Finnish friends, it's hard to learn Finnish. Maybe you can find your luck and meet new acquaintances in a karaoke bar. It is also a fun way to learn the Finnish language. Also, you will meet the friendliest Finns that are ready to converse with a stranger or even sing a song or two with you. 

Local karaoke bars usually seat less than 30 people, which is why it's intimate and cozy. The bars are situated in your neighborhood area. So it's easy to go there whenever you feel lonely or a need to learn the Finnish language. Most karaoke bars open around 9 pm or 21:00. Some are open around the clock like the Karaokebar Populus in Helsinki. Some are open at 4 pm or 16:00. Most of the karaoke bars close at 2:00 or 5:00 am.

The more you visit a particular karaoke bar, the more you become familiar with the same faces in that specific bar. This way, you might find a friend or other acquaintances and learn the Finnish language as well by singing or listening to Finnish songs. If you do sing a song and your voice is not pitch-perfect, the audience will probably not clap, and they will continue to mind their own business as if you have never sung at all. Perfect right! This way you can always practice and get better at it.

We have gathered some simple verses from famous Finnish karaoke songs that you should try to master in Finnish before heading to the karaoke bars. You can even practice and familiarize yourself with these songs on youtube. 

Aikuinen Nainen- Adult woman

Levoton Tuhkimo is a fast song that is sung and composed by one of the favorite Finnish rock bands in the ’80s called Dingo. The song is singing about a cinderella that makes herself as a martyr. Life is easy when there is someone to love, you don´t need to cry yourself into dreams, independence of the adult woman.

En vapauttas tahdo riistää. Tahdo en itsenäisyyttäsi kiistää. Sua tarvitsen sydänystäväksi. Aikuisen naisen. Kaiken me jaamme. Toisiamme tukekaamme. Aikuinen nainen tuntee arvon rakkauden.

Kotiviini - Summer wine 

Summer wine is a sentimental song by Anna Hanski about drinking, partnership, and love. It sings about the woman making homemade wine for her lover. She fills it with strawberries, cherries, and apples and let her lover taste the wine, once, twice and couple of times.

Tein sulle kotiviinin mansikoista vain, kirsikoista omenoista rakkaus rinnassain, annoin sen käydä kauan, ehkä liikaakin, voit maistaa lasillisen, toisenkin, mmm mmm toisenkin

Levoton Tuhkimo- Restless Cinderella

Levoton Tuhkimo is a fast song that is sung and composed by one of the favorite Finnish rock bands in the ’80s called Dingo. The song is singing about a cinderella that makes herself as a martyr. Life is easy when there is someone to love, you don´t need to cry yourself into sleep.

Ja elämä on helppoo sillon kun on joku josta pitää kii. Ei tarvitse mennä nukkumaan itkeäkseen itsensä unelmiin. Ja elämä on päivästä päivään vieraiden pilkkaa sinullekin. Päivästä päivään levoton tuhkimo tekee itsestään marttyyrin

Google translate:

And life is easy when there is someone to love

You don't have to go to bed to cry yourself into dreams

And life is day by day strangers to you too

Day by day, Cinderella makes itself a martyr

Satulinna- Fairytale Castle

Fairytale Castle is a song from Jari Sillanpää, the famous Tango King in Finland. 

Sano että yhä ainoa olen sun, Sano että yksin olla sä tahdot mun. Silloin satulinna kaukomaan, Meille kuuluis kokonaan. Sinulle mä aarteeni antaisin, Jonka vuoksi kärsin ja taistelin. Sinulle mä antaisin sydämen, Jos sä otat sen

Google translate:

Say I'm still the only yours

Tell me you want to be alone, with me

Then the fairy-tale castle faraway, We would belong

I'd give you my treasure, which is why I suffered and fought

I'd give you a heart If you take it

Most foreigners would instead sing in English, but learning a few of the famous Finnish song verses will help you with your Finnish language skills, and you will learn the soul of the Finns. 


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