Dec 6, 20201 min

Maamme song

Updated: Nov 17, 2023

Maamme is Finland´s national anthem composed by Fredrik Pacius. It is a poem "Vårt Land" originally written in Swedish by Ludvig Runeberg.

Vårt land, vårt land, vårt fosterland,Ljud högt, o dyra ord!Ej lyfts en höjd mot himlens rand,Ej sänks en dal, ej sköljs en strand,Mer älskad än vår bygd i nord,Än våra fäders jord.

The composer Fredrik Pacius himself was an immigrant, who was born in Hamburg Germany, but has lived in Finland for most of his life.

The singer, Chere, an immigrant who has also lived in Finland for most of her life.

Happy Independence Day to Finland and all its residents!
